Much of the hassle in dealing with Worker’s Compensation claims comes from the impersonal peer review process that dominates medical determinations.
What do you see trends indicate is that the guidelines for medical care or discouraging many doctors from fighting for the prescription benefits their patients need. They are often is zero incentive for a doctor to expand much effort in fighting denials because the dr. is certainly not paid extra and has no incentive to ensure that the client receives the medications
The end result is that the insurance carriers choose to spend money on medical reviews rather than prescription medications, it is often a very sound investment to spend hundreds or even thousands fighting benefits now in order to avoid the long tail of continued payments for years and decades to come.
Law Office of Alan Tysinger
110 West Nueva Street
San Antonio, TX 78204
(210) 446-0713 phone/fax
Toll free (866) 957-2667
[email protected]
Areas of practice: workers' compensation, personal injury, work injuries, nonsubscriber workplace injuries.